Supporting making, trading and innovating
Our first Enterprise Zone is based around three clusters supporting growth opportunities in making, trading and innovating. The three clusters cover areas of specific opportunity and advantage in the North East.
Blyth Estuary:
The Enterprise Zone builds on the presence of the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult in Blyth with a focus on supporting businesses linked to offshore energy and marine engineering. The site is well served by a strong local supply chain and training provision.
North Bank of the Tyne:
The North Bank of the Tyne sites support the wider CORE (Centre for Offshore Wind and Renewable
Engineering) status to focus on businesses which operate in these areas and/or benefit from close proximity to the Port of Tyne and river front location. The three sites (Neptune, Swans and Port of Tyne) provide access to riverfront sites and an established supply chain of businesses and skills.
A19 Corridor, Sunderland:
The UK’s first designated area for Ultra Low Carbon Vehicles, this site is close to the UK home of Nissan. The sites located here focus on low carbon vehicles and advanced manufacturing, and offer proximity to global automotive supply chain and skills expertise in AMAP (Institute for Automotive and Manufacturing
Advanced Practice) and SASMI (Skills Academy for Sustainable Manufacturing and Innovation).
Looking to invest, or just want to find out more? Visit the North East Enterprise Zone website here.
Read our latest stories on the North East Enterprise Zone
Sector focus
- Advanced Manufacturing/Engineering
- Energy
- Low Carbon Industry
- Transport
The North East Local Enterprise Partnership has invested in 115 hectares of new site since 2012 across three locations with a particular focus on supporting businesses to start, grow and expand in three key areas of economic strength:
• A19 corridor (Ultra low carbon manufacturing including vehicles)
• North Bank of the River Tyne (offshore and marine engineering and industries)
• Port of Blyth (next-generation renewables)
Find out more
James Davies, Programme Manager
North East Local Enterprise Partnership
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 0191 338 7430 / 07776 485 972